Submit Your Story

We are an independently run not for profit blog designed solely to help survivors of TBI and their families.  If you would like to have your story included,  please contact Paula at


2 thoughts on “Submit Your Story

  1. Jon M.

    I have received services through OPWDD and TBI waivers. I have received service coordination, ILST, CIC and use transportation since I can’t drive since my injury. Although the services of the TBI waiver meet my needs better than OPWDD, the services take too long to get approved, and the RRDS is rude, judgmental and intrusive. The OPWDD waiver was much easier to access. Can this issue be addressed?

    1. HI Jon, It can really depend on the RRDS. Like all people, personalities can vary. The OPWDD Waiver requires that you sustained your injury before the age of 22. It is a great option for those survivors. Other survivors whose injury occurred after the age of 22 will have to rely on the DOH Waiver to obtain this type of service. It is wonderful to hear that you are happy with your OPWDD services. Thank you for reminding people to check out both options before deciding!

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