Chicken Soup for the Soul: Recovering from Traumatic Brain Injury

The Chicken Soup for the Soul: Recovering from Traumatic Brain Injury book released today.  It contains 101 survivor stories of brain injury recovery, including Yes, I’m a Train Wreck, originally published as Jon’s Story here on this blog.  You can purchase it through  

Jon Blair asked me to submit his story to the Chicken Soup books and he wasn’t the least bit surprised when his story was selected.  His determined, positive attitude makes the unimaginable happen for him.  He just doesn’t take “no” for an answer.  Congratulations, Jon!  And thank you for the nod in the author’s section.

You can read Jon’s Story on this blog.  It is the very first story on the blog roll.

Jon Blair 1

2 thoughts on “Chicken Soup for the Soul: Recovering from Traumatic Brain Injury

  1. I thank you for sharing and would like to use this information to help with a videography project about First Friday (Art Walk Binghamton) inReview, where Jon was there selling copies of Chicken Soup.

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